Important changes affecting “Large” and “Extra Large” accounts

Hi Glenn,
Please note we do not have a company credit card therefore would want to pay the GBP54.00 Power user fee directly into a bank account of your choosing is this possible?

Regards Damian.

@Matt for registered charities we will be providing a 50% discount on our annual fee. If you PM me your Charities Commission number we will set this up for you.

@damndit I will send you a private message with our banking details, it will however take a little longer for us to verify bank transfers but we should be able to get that implemented within a day.

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I’ve just seen this popup when I logged into my dashboard, It’s the first I’ve heard of it, So didn’t get an email.

I’ve not got a problem with the yearly fee, But it would be great to have Mobile/Tablet support, I was gutted when you retired your iPhone receipt uploader… Is there any plans to make the system more mobile friendly?


I wanted to ask I run a garden maintenance business and currently had to take a couple of months off due to family issues. Will I loose data if I choose not to suscribe now and do it in the new year when I start back? Just wanted to ask what will happen

@Jsmith9114 mobile will be a part of our future development plans although we have no intention of building native apps, as I’ve mentioned in other discussions it’s massively expensive and is effectively like building a parallel version of QuickFile for every device. We are however looking to develop QF to be more responsive in the browser. The iPhone app solved a particular problem that leverages the components of the phone (i.e. the camera), it was still inferior compared to dedicated document capture apps, but it did perform a function you can’t achieve in the browser. Unfortunately it become cost prohibitive to keep it inline with iOS updates at that time, but we will revisit this.

@Austin_Powell_A we will not be aggressively deleting accounts in the next 6 months, we don’t have any systems for purging accounts in this way. It’s likely however that we will eventually start this process but not within the next 6 months.

More than happy to pay £45.00, it’s well worth it, just checking though, by paying for the first year are we agreeing to a contract for a specified length of time ie: 5 years ?

@Pippa no there is no long term contract. Although there would be an admin fee set against any refund for cancellations made before the expiry of the subscription (12 months).

Glen thought this was £45 you mentioned nothing about Vat on top which means it is £54 for members who are unaware

It was mentioned as ex-vat on the dashboard pop-up message, although I’ve just edited the original post here to be 100% clear.

Hi Glenn (and all), I should start saying I agree with the new rule and as pointed by other members, it is a small fee that the Large/Extra Large businesses can easily absorb and enjoy a more complete product.
However I am a one man band and due to the way QF calculates account sizes and the way I deal with my transactions I find myself just inside the “Large” range.
This is not a complaint but rather a request for advice on how to change things on my end to better reflect my business.
I am a contractor and usually issue one invoice per month. However, most of my entries are of personal expenses with meals (I log each meal separately on my director’s loan account) and pay for my transport with the company’s bank card, so anything between 2 - 5 entries per day.
If I changed that to a monthly meal allowance and one transport allowance I imagine it would bring me more in line with my company’s size I image (besides freeing me the trouble of uploading meal receipts!). Is that acceptable from the accounting perspective? Is there a more effective way?



I can’t see a problem with what you’re suggesting, I obviously can’t go into the exact feasibility of the accounting methods, but there are cases where you can bulk load a bunch of expenses to a single invoice and reimburse later. This will reduce the ledger count as bank entries would typically consist of two ledger entries.

Hi Glenn,
I have logged in today and I have restricted access, I cannot view any accounts info for example, I don’t think we fall into L or XL but I cannot check, I can’t see where is will let me see? I do not appear to have the option for accounts / settings, is there some other way to check?

@duncanmayer we have not imposed any restrictions on accounts, it sounds to me like you have logged into a client account (i.e. a client listed on your company) rather than your primary admin account. If you send me a private message with some of your account details I can take a look.

hi glenn, anything is possible with me and computers! please can you tell me how I can pm you? thanks very much

@duncanmayer :


Is there a specific date that this will start?

I just want to make sure I am ready for it



@jayjoynson it will be effective 1st of December. If you have an L or XL account without a Power User Subscription or Affinity account it will prompt you to purchase a subscription.

Hi Glenn

For those who are still in the medium range, in future if they become large … will there be some sort of alert to them to tel them that its now time to pay?


When you transition from Medium to Large you will be prompted to obtain a subscription when you next log in. We haven’t done this yet but we may add an option to “defer for 3 days”. This is in case you need to get access quickly in circumstances where you don’t have immediate access to a means of payment.

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that will be great, thanks