Removing vat so it doesn't show on flat rate return

I’m having trouble with my flat vat
I use subcontractors , some who charge vat.
when i attempt to do my VAT return quickfile takes the vat off. this means i have to go back to the purchase and remove the vat they charged . where am i going wrong? (mostly their invoices are for less then 2000 quid)
(hope you understand what i mean!)

If you are on the flat rate VAT scheme then Quick File will not attribute any VAT on your purchases. Is your sub-contractor linked to your account in any way? I.e. are those invoices automatically being created by your supplier who is also using Quick File?

no they are not linked yet…though a couple have expressed an interest in that
i think i did it wrong…if you look ar RPF rigging you will see what’s happened…
my accountant discovered this and attempted to correct it
i couldn’t find out how to pay this with out combining the vat as a lump sum so clicked the vat box…now am lost!

I saw one invoice for that supplier with VAT on there. I’ve just removed it for you… basically you need to check the box at the bottom to allow VAT to be reclaimed, that will then reveal the VAT columns which I modified and saved before unchecking that box again.

Let me know if that’s OK and give me a shout if you need any further assistance.

sorry to be dim…
so does this mean that i have to add the vat up manually and ignore the vat button
and treat this as an ordinary payment(up to Dave Cleary what he does with his money?)
how do i modify payments with out it being an over payment and QF loging it as a credit for Dave
Sub Total £ 180.00
VAT £ 0.00
Gross Total £ 180.00
Paid to Date £ 216.00
BALANCE (GBP) £ -36.00
The payment exceeds the balance. Any
excess will allocate a credit to this supplier.

The invoice already had a payment of £432 attached to it so I just removed the VAT and netted up the invoice to matche the payment. Is this not what you paid the supplier?

yes that sound about right 432 was what was paid…but if i go back to see what i paid him i then have to manually work out what his rate really was

thanks for spending the time

Just curious to know why you need the VAT rate at all? I mean you could attach the supplier’s invoice to the purchase or enter some notes as a reference but in accounting terms it’s not important.

the process i have adopted (might be wrong way to do it)
i generate a PO for the chaps
then when they send me an invoice i convert the QF po to invoice
some of them add vat to their invoices so i clicked the vat button so i could add the vat to the QF invoice which i then convert to a purchase.
are you saying that for accounting we don’t need to know they charge vat…i just have to input the total inc their vat?
also…are you saying there is a way of attaching the emailed invoice (from supplier) to QF so it’s easy to find? (i have made a folder which i stick them all all in and hope i dont ever need to find them again as some of the titles are a bit random!)

  1. If you are not VAT registered, you mustn’t account for the VAT in the purchases. As you said, you just input the total amount. So, if something is £10.00 + VAT = £12.50, you enter £12.50

  2. If you have PDFs or JPGs of your invoices, you can just email them in (5 at a time). Take a look at ‘Account Settings > 3rd Party Integration > Email your receipts’

Hope that helps

I’m VAT reg but am flat rate (to save me paperwork!)
thanks again

Yes that’s correct, the VAT part is of no relevance if you’re on Flat Rate, just enter it gross.

On the purchase invoice preview screen scroll down to the bottom and there’s an area where you can upload the invoice from the supplier. Not essential but it’s there if you want to use it!

Otherwise you could email the invoice to the Receipt Hub ( and create the purchase from there, that way the original invoice will be attached automatically to the purchase.