Returning Overpayment

We have a client who didn’t cancel a Standing Order and have now returned their overpayment. Am struggling to see how to tag / process the amount in the bank account?


The simplest way is to first tag the overpayment as a ‘Payment from a customer’ and then tag the refund as a ‘Refund to a customer’ selecting the overpayment to refund:

Alternatively, you can tag both the overpayment and refund directly to the ‘Mispostings Account’ by selecting ’ Something else not on this list’ when tagging the overpayment and refund:

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Thanks Joe

I have attempted Option 1 but have already tagged the payments from the customer but in stage two after selecting ‘Refund to a customer’ I cannot see the process refund button as there is a red warning there are no qualifying sales invoices on their account. However I have spied a button labelled ‘Refund Balance’ on each payment, so if I deleted the refund transaction in the Bank and processed all the refunds the balance should land up as it should?


I think I’ve cracked it!

I created a bank account ‘Refund Account’ and tagged a transfer from the Current Account to the Refund acct. I then went into each payment and used the Refund Balance button and processed them directly to the Refund Account which reduced to zero.

Just thought I would pass that on, thanks for the help Joe.


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