2 Companies from 1 Quickfile account

Currently have 2 quick file accounts for 1 registered company with 2 different trading names. For MTD I am going to have to combine these 2 accounts under the 1 trading name. Is this possible to have 2 trading names (1 registered company) on 1 quickfile account and if so is there a quick way to import data across?

Yes you can absolutely do exactly all of that.

As for the importing of data, there are built in export and import tools. You can make a backup of your account and that will provide you with a set of CSV files which you can import into your other account. There is another method used behind the scenes but I’m not sure if it can be used on already in service accounts, @QFMathew would have to answer the specifics on that.

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Hi @Paul_Welling

Just to expand on what @Lurch has mentioned, we can copy clients and suppliers for you if needed, from one account to another. Please let me know if we can help with this.

It would be great if you can help copy this information from one account to another, how do I contact you to arrange this, is it better over email? @QFMathew

Hi @Paul_Welling

I’ll send you a private message shortly - please look for the green notification in the top right corner.

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