Additional supplier email addresses and contacts

this is a modern business requirement , quick-file is set up for macro business systems not in the reality of the business world as every one we deal with are bigger, this is a weak area for quick file.


Any update on this? This is definitely a requirement in this day and age…


@dagayveggi - There are no updates here I’m afraid. We’ll be sure to update this thread should anything changes though.


Just wondering if there is any progress on this at all?
2 email address would be good, one for the purchase order department, and one for the accounts department for remittances (I also appreciate that some people will need more than that, as suppliers can be funny creatures!)
This does seem to be one of the few things (apart from a stock facility - which I know you have no plans for) that my clients frequently ask me about!



Hi @Anna

There are no updates here I’m afraid. We will definitely update this topic if there are any changes planned relating to this however.

Need to have more contact details, in one supplier location there is 4 contacts we use all and one being the Manager.

Image Removed

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Hi @pelican

I’ve merged your post with an existing feature request which I believe is what you’re requesting.

I also removed your image as it contacted an email address.

is this relating to suppliers and not customers ?

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@pelican - yes, this thread relates to multiple contacts for suppliers. This is already supported for clients.

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Hi Everyone,

Just switched over to quick file and I am confused. Why is it that we can only have 1 persons contact details for the supplier, however, if its a client you can have multiple contact details. It is rather annoying as today I had to send a purchase order to more than one person from the same company but I could not do so as quickfile does not support it.

Secondly, please can anyone tell me how many countries are recognised by quickfile. I tried to create an account for a client who is from Kosovo, but it does not appear on the countries list.

Can anyone shed any light on the above.


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Hi @rubaba

I’ve moved your thread into this existing request. You may wish to add your vote at the top.


3 and half years on but still no solution? What is the point of having forums if suggestions about features which are a necessity are not being introduced? I would like to understand the logic behind having the feature for clients, but not for suppliers. I can’t imagine it being a developer/coding issue as the feature is already in use for clients.

Secondly, I asked a question regarding countries which has been ignored as the post has been merged. Please can you update regarding the countries list.


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I must admit, I’ve been waiting patiently for this and would still love to see it!

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Hi @rubaba

The reason you can have multiple contacts for clients and not suppliers is down to a few things, such as you issue invoices to clients, but don’t to suppliers; and clients can log in to view their invoices, suppliers can’t.

We do actively monitor interest in these feature requests and take into account several factors when deciding what to implement. Community interest is part of this. Unfortunately, what may look straight forward on the face of it, isn’t as simple underneath in the actual code.

Regarding the country, I do apologise - I didn’t intentionally ignore this. I will double-check with a developer to see where this list originates.

Would be it a plausible workaround to set up a forwarding email address like which goes to multiple email addresses?


I appreciate that suppliers are not sent invoices, but as other members have mentioned, one supplier could have multiple email addresses, which when a purchase order needs to be sent to them, they have to be sent to all of the emails, which currently quick file does not support. This is quite the norm for businesses nowadays so quick file should also move with the times.

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I wonder if there is any progress with additional email address for Purchase Orders ?

And here are 2 NEW asks :smiley: :

  1. Would it be possible to save the ‘additional notes’ at the bottom of the Purchase Orders, to use it for the following Orders?

After the Purchase Order has been converted into a Purchase Invoice the ‘additional notes’ seem to not get through, from the Order to the converted Purchase Invoice. Is it anything you could do there please?

  1. And maybe to be able to attach a pdf file to the Purchase Order ?

I need it for subcontractor couriers as they use almost identical, but not always, additional notes, and use values and specific dates that change partially every week. They are quite long notes :smiley:

Thank you much :slight_smile:

Hi @Tina_Sava,

It’s best to keep separate requests to separate #feature posts

I’ve found one with regards to the notes here: Purchase order default additional notes

And here’s one for attaching files: Purchase Orders - Attach files facilty

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Currently in Clients, we can have more than one set of contact details, but in Suppliers we only have one set.

Can we have the same facility to add more than one, please?


Hi @AKeech,

I have moved your post to the thread already asking the same thing to try and keep things in the same place.