Can't tag foreign payments


I have been invoicing in foreign currency. When the payment comes in I cant seem to track it to my invoice created.

Please assist.



Hi Brent

What currency is the invoice and payment in? Are they the same or different (e.g. invoice in EUR but payment in GBP)?

Looks like this feature request:

Hi Yes,

I invoice in CAD, USD, AUD, ZAR and Euro

The funds convert into GBP when they hit our Barclays account so when I tag them they are always in GBP.

Hope that helps


Yip I think we have the same issue I have to create new invoices each time to match the GBP transaction that comes in.

In this case, add a comment saying that you want this feature as well in the link I posted.
(It will go up the ladder of priority)

@Admin3 - there isn’t a way at present to tag a GBP payment to a non-GBP invoice at the moment. In this instance, you would need to use the Log Payment option and enter the equivalent GBP value there too.

This will create a bank transaction for you, but you can then delete the untagged duplicate entry.

Is this something that will be fixed in future?

There’s nothing to fix (as it works as expected). But as @cedev suggests, add your comments to the thread above and we’ll certainly count your interest in this as a potential new feature.

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