Hi @Rob,
This change isn’t so much a change of the way things work, but rather a change to make things clearer.
When the option in your advanced settings is set to Off, it will move a salary payment from your balance sheet to the P&L when tagged. In this case we used to create 2 entries ‘behind the scenes’ to move it from the balance sheet to a P&L code. All we’ve done is brought this to the front in the form of a journal so you can see the actual entries that are being created rather than keeping it in just the nominal ledger.
In essence, nothing about the way this works has changed. Whether it has duplicated anything or not however would depend on how you entered your own journals. Ideally you should have the Post Net Wages to Balance Sheet Only
switched on, it won’t create the journal for you automatically.
There’s more on this here.
I hope that helps!