Credit card statement , how to enter on quick file

Have you been and read anything on the knowledgebase @Claireabell? There’s a lot of step by step information in the guides there to get you started.

I would love to be more help but I am utterly confused by what you are doing so I can only imagine how you must feel. Just relax, and breathe…!

At the absolute worst case you can simply delete all the account data (transactions, invoices etc) and start from fresh so if you all you have in your account so far is this months bank and credit card statements/transactions that is really not much info at all to start afresh on, especially considering it would be easier to do it as per the guides. Along with the other ways I use Quickfile (as I think I have mentioned in previous posts) I also use the credit card statement exactly as per @ian_roberts has posted above.

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