Customising invoice template before actually creating the invoice

Hi @DEB08

I’ll try my best to help.

Invoice styles can be customised and applied from the invoice preview screen. This can be done using a draft invoice, so not necessarily one that’s been sent to a client.

It can however require a degree of knowledge of CSS, so if you’re not familiar with this, it can be a bit of a challenge. There is however a short guide here. If you need help doing this, please feel free to send me a private message (click my name, and then ‘Message’), send me an example of what you’re trying to achieve, and I’ll see what I can sort out for you.

[quote=“DEB08, post:1, topic:12050”]
I’ve looked at the custom trading styles info but unsure whether this is what I should be doing - I am not a limited company with different trading styles.[/quote]
Custom trading styles are for businesses who trade under multiple names, for example, Some Business Ltd. trading as Another Business Ltd. I believe the method I mentioned above is your best way forward.

You can set default terms etc., from invoice settings, which can be found here:
Account Settings > Invoice Customisation

You can also set the line default to time event if you wish, and even the unit as minutes which could make your invoices a bit easier to manage based on what you described.

I hope that helps!