Do I need to register with affinity?

I am a sole trader with a power user subscription. Do I have to register for affinity to allow my accountant to access my account?

Your accountant can access via affinity, which would be your accountants affinity account, or you enter him/her as a team member on your team management screen

I added her as a new team member. She didn’t receive an invite. I think you can only have one email address?

Hello @vmansergh1

QuickFile is a single company product, meaning you can only have 1 company linked to a single email address.
(There is nothing to stop you signing up a second company using a different email address.)

Our Affinity platform allows Accountants and Bookkeepers to access multiple companies from one email address.

If you accountant has multiple clients using QuickFile then it may be in their best interest for them to sign up for Affinity.

If not you could just add them as a user to your team management screen.

As an alternative you could create an email for them and add it to your team management screen and give them the details.

Which option makes more sense? I’m not very techy so will need some guidance on all the above! Sorry

Hello @vmansergh1

If they have not mentioned Affinity to you

I would recommend creating them an email address and giving them the details as you cant be sure if they have any other QuickFile clients and this would give you more control over access.

Thanks very much for your help

Just a thought. My hotmail address instead of my new company email address is attached to my account. Can I easily switch?

Hello @vmansergh1

  • Log in
  • Go to Account Settings > Team Management
  • Click on the cog next to you username
  • Edit the email address


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