Having 2 business on 1 account

is there a way to have 2 businesses on 1 account?
as you have to fill in business name and logo etc for the invoice system to work.
but i have now started a new 2nd business so would need 2 names and 2 logos etc

If your 2nd business is completely separate from your 1st one then you will need 2 accounts with 2 different email addresses. But you could access both accounts with one login when you use a affinity account. Have a look in the knowledge base, there is quite s lot of info about it.

If your 2 businesses are under one umbrella you only need one account and you can use different trading styles.

Hope this helps

If the two businesses are the same legal entity (if they’re two different aspects of the same individual as a sole trader or the same limited company) then you could possibly use “trading styles” in a single account, but if they’re distinct legal entities (two different limited companies or one limited and one sole trader) then their accounts must be kept separate.

It comes down to whether you need to be able to report figures separately for the two businesses or not - with trading styles you just have one P&L, one balance sheet, etc. across all the styles.

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