How do I enter income from a grant? (not Government)

I have a grant from a non government source (partially National Lottery)
It can be spent on my salary through our CIC and mostly will be, though it will also purchase some small capital items.
How do I post the grant as income?

Presumably ‘other’ but then what?!


Hi @chestnutscsa,

There is a post that gives an explanation on grants here: Incoming funds from a government grant - #2 by Joe

I hope that this can help you

Hi. thank you, but I don’t think it really does.
This grant is paid to me in full in advance, and I then spend it in various ways, the main one being ‘proprietor drawings’ I suppose?
That is to say part of it will cover some capital items, most of it will be my drawings.

But the whole amount arrived in the account in advance.

So I need to tag that amount?

Not enough info to give an answer.

You say some of it will go to proprietor drawings. Why? What is it that will go in there? Wages? Salary? Stuff not related to a business expense?

Without knowing what that other side is I have no way of answering the question

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