How to rollback VAT

A VAT return has been created in error using third party softward by our bookkeeper. I am trying to find out how to undo this. The invoices in question are not locked/as part of the VAT return. I can’t find a rollback option on the return … where do I start looking?

Hi @WalkerTim,

When you say the VAT return has been created, has this been submitted to HMRC? If it has then this can’t be undone using QuickFile, you would need to contact HMRC.

If the return is showing on QuickFile then you should be able to roll-back the return. There is a tickbox at the bottom

Yes, it has been submitted to HMRC. They say we need to fill in a form with the correct figures but I can’t generate the figures because QF won’t let me run a VAT report for the period as a submission is logged as having been sent. The logged one also isn’t reconciled to the invoices so nothing is locked down. CAn we delete this?

If you remove the online filling settings (take the tick out of your VAT settings) then you can run the return for the dates you need. You will have to manually submit this to HMRC. Once you’ve run the return for that period to include and lock in your invoices then you can add the tick back into your VAT settings so you can submit the next one online.

Hope that helps

Thanks - that worked. If I run it now, save it etc, will it reconcile the invoices/lock them?

Also, now that I have a wrong return logged on here and right return about to be logged, how does the system reconcile itself?

Once you have saved the return on QuickFile that locks the transactions into that VAT period so that when you come to do the next return it only picks up what it should.

With regards to reconciling with HMRC that is something you would have to discuss with them. You would be best to convey the figures from the return you have just saved on QuickFile so that you know where you are

Yes, we’re talking to HMRC but I’m not sure how it will affect the accountant. Will there need to be journals to reverse things in and out?

Hi @WalkerTim,

I would advise you speak with your accountant about this

I am having the same problem… a nil submission has been made… no figs have gone to HMRC

If you have submitted a nil submission in error to HMRC then you would need to get in touch with them. If it is correct then there is nothing to worry about. A nil return is perfectly acceptable if you have had no transactions within the period.

Yes will have to do this then. It occured as I thought I had to create my own spreadsheet to down load so the rows/colums were not correct when the quickfile spreadsheet came up and there was no where I could go back to alter those cells
Is there no way to reverse this???

Hi @hrs,

once submitted to HMRC you need to get in touch with them. If you were looking to use the bridging module then you need to make sure that your VAT settings reflect this: VAT Bridging

Been in touch…they have told me as its under a certain amount I just add this quarter to next quarter…but this is a pain as they say we are not registered for MTD and I done this through Quick file and it came up on the Quickfile VAT report pages as registered on 8th October so whats going wrong.

Hi @hrs,

If HMRC say you are not registered then I would assume that you aren’t. You need to enroll for MTD. Once you have done this you will get a confirmation email. You will then be able to see your VAT obligations when you go to Reports > HMRC within quickfile.

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