Is it possible to set the default currency to Euros please

I would be great to set currency to Euro even at a price per month or a one off price. I know you are UK based but I like your system and this is the only thing that is making me think about looking for something else.

I agree, would be great as euros for me too. will be useful to have the option

Sorry for not getting back sooner on this. At the moment all base reporting is locked to GBP, our product is currently only suitable for UK based businesses due to this limitation.

We will review this in the future and do intend to develop an international product, although it is actually far more complex than just changing the base currency and will require a great deal of development work to handle differences in reporting requirements for different jurisdictions. There are also many technical hurdles to overcome that we do not currently have the resources to manage.

Please also refer to the following post:

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