After enrolling in MTD VAT Pilot scheme, I submitted my first VAT return from Oct-18 to Dec-18 on 16th Jan-18. However, the status is still showing as saved. On the dashboard screen recent events, it shows a message " A VAT return has been filed for the period 2018 October 01 - 2018 December 31", however, I haven’t received any confirmation from HMRC that it’s been received.
I’m not sure if the return has been submitted or not. Can you please check and confirm.
If it’s showing as “Saved”, it sounds like it’s been done using the older VAT submission process rather than MTD.
You will need to connect your account with HMRC and then submit the return on QuickFile. If you go to Reports >> HMRC, you can start the linking process there.
It’s likely that you’ll need to rollback your saved VAT return and resubmit it once the account is linked.
I rolled back my saved return and checked my connected HMRC account which was fine. I then created my VAT return again and this time it did show “MTD” on the top left corner of the form. I then resubmitted it and it went through successfully without any issues
We are in the final stages of testing Agent Accounts. All new MTD services will be accessible through a new HMRC Agent Services Account (ASA). You can find out more about ASAs and open a new account here:
In the next couple of days you will be able to connect an Agent Services Account to QuickFile Affinity (for accountants and tax advisers). This will then allow you to file for any of your connected profiles providing they are linked to your ASA account.
The Agent Services Account is a new type of HMRC Agent account for accessing digital services with HMRC. If you have one of these accounts already that’s fine, you can link that to QuickFile. If you have a standard online Agent account you will need to register for an ASA (see link above). From there you can move across all your client authorisations.
We’ve encountered this issue with another user and we’re currently in dialogue with HMRC to try and get some clarity on that message.
HMRC published the following guide a couple of weeks ago to outline the process. Would you please kindly have a scan through to ensure that the relevant steps have been completed.
In the mean time we will continue to work through the problem with HMRC and report back our findings shortly.
CAn I double check that I can now sign up for the pilot scheme? I have had a letter from HMRC which says QF “is updating their products”. Has this been done? QF does appear on the list of software providers, which I guess means I can sign up now, even though we do have EU costs.