Metro bank - chrome plugin

There isn’t a criteria as such, although a good amount of support from the community would go in it’s favour - the same as any other feature suggestion for QuickFile.

The plugin is basically JavaScript. If someone is able to write the script to carry out the process for Metro, then we’re happy to test and include it as part of the plugin itself.

As I mentioned above, as Open Banking is now being rolled out in the UK (starting last month), we are in the process of working towards this. If you’re not aware of Open Banking, it does work differently to Yodlee in that the connection is made directly to the bank itself. The Open Banking method is also likely to be more reliable and more widely supported as the year progresses.

But this is firmly in our sights, as my colleague mentions in a previous post, from just under 2 weeks ago:

But to put your mind at ease, Yodlee is secure and is trusted not just by QuickFile, but many organisations worldwide. We actually have an article dedicated to Yodlee security, which can be found here.

I hope this helps!