New business Distrubution Company to use quickfile. Is it good system?

Hi @adnw

QuickFile is a pretty flexible tool, so I’m sure most of what you are asking for can be achieved to some extent. That said, there is no built-in stock control system, so things like adjusting stock levels isn’t going to be possible.

Things such as weekly sales can be possible. For example, you can do an advanced search by clients and include net figures over a set period (a week, a month, a year, etc.).

We do support account privileges which are configurable on a user-by-user basis. There’s a list of what’s available here: Configuring privileges for your team

With this, there’s no direct report to give you these figures. However, you could use project tags to group purchase and sales invoices. Project tags come with their own profit and loss reports and can show both invoice and cash-based income/expenses totals. The basics of project tags can be found here: Projects in QuickFile

I hope this helps, but please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any further questions.