Nominal Code searching


Is there a reason you can no longer code transactions by typing in the code?

Now it seems like you have to type in the name of the code you are using each time. Previously you could do either.


Hello @matt.gilmore

Can I ask where you are trying to search?.

I just tested this on the New Purchase screen (searching for 5000) and it did find the code when I typed in 5000.


Hi Steve,

I am trying to do this directly from the bank.

So I am pressing tag me and then something else not on the list.

When I then type in any code it does not find it unless you type the name in.



Hello Matthew

I tried the same thing in this screen and it seems to work fine.

Are you doing anything different to the below clip?


Hi Steve

No exactly the same as you are doing it.

It doesn’t mention any numbers before the codes either like yours does in brackets.

It did work last week.

I have tried in 2 of our own accounts and also using our Affinity account as well and none of them allow you to enter the number.

Two staff members I have asked are also having the same issue.



Hi steve

I am having the same problem - there are no nominal codes anywhere now only names


Jean [quote=“matt.gilmore, post:1, topic:50654, full:true”]

Is there a reason you can no longer code transactions by typing in the code?

Now it seems like you have to type in the name of the code you are using each time. Previously you could do either.


Can you both make sure this setting is turned on as we made a change to this recently following a feature request

Just to add to @QFSteve’s post above - in the area that you queried (tagging to a nominal), this should always be shown.

Our development team have been made aware and will rectify this shortly.


Thanks, by changing the setting it goes back to normal.


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