Nominal ledger showing list of itemised invoice spend

Hi there - are you able to tell me how to see/print/export a full nominal ledger listing which shows each nominal account with a breakdown of individual invoice components rather than just referring to “purchase invoice QF…” in the narrative. The only way I can see to do this on screen is to drill down into the nominal account from the Chart of Accounts view and then expand each entry using the speech bubble but this is a very longwinded way of viewing each nominal account detail.

Any suggestions?

Hi @debbie

You can export a full breakdown of your nominal codes by clicking the “Export” button at the top of the Chart of Accounts page. This will generate a .csv file (compatible with spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel) based on your chosen options:

If you’re looking to see what nominal codes a particular invoice is affecting, then you can also view this from the invoice itself, by clicking More Options and then Show nominal ledger entries:

I hope that helps!

Hi thanks for that … I have done this but in the export file all that shows in the breakdown is the invoice reference and not the individual items that make up the invoice. This doesn’t help me as I need to see a list of everything purchased on each nominal code. I don’t want to have to open up every single invoice to see what has been posted to each nominal account

We don’t currently show the individual invoice lines on the nominal ledger view. Please see the below from a previous post by my colleague:

The description is based on the invoice name/description, which by default is the first line of the invoice.

What are you looking for exactly? What’s the purpose of viewing this data? Perhaps we could suggest another way?

The nominal ledgers bundle together all the lines that post to the same code into one nominal entry, so if I had a purchase invoice with, say:

  • General purchases - Widgets - £100 + 20% VAT = £120
  • General purchases - Thingammies - £50 + 20% VAT = £60
  • Carriage - Delivery charge - £5 + 20% VAT = £6

then there would be just one nominal entry for the total of general purchases (£150), plus one for carriage (£5), one for purchase tax control (£31), and a balancing entry on creditors control (for £186). If you want to see the individual lines then that information isn’t in the nominal ledger, so you have no choice but to drill down to the individual invoices.

And given QuickFile sets account sizes and fees based on the number of nominal ledger entries, you don’t really want a 50 line invoice to create 50 separate nominal entries if you can help it…