Paypal Integration

I have two PayPal accounts, a personal one and a Merchant one; they have different email logins. Somehow the integration with the Merchant one changed over to the Personal one (not sure how). I have deleted the automated upload and reset it. Furthermore, I have deleted the Personal account entries, which are largely irrelevant to the business. I have a lot of Merchant Account PayPal entries, including sales via Zettle, which need to be accounted for as they cannot be seen elsewhere. I have identified the Merchant Account entries in PayPal, saved them in a csv file, but I cannot get the upload to work, either via the PayPal merchant upload or using ‘Other’. Using ‘Other’ some amounts are multiplied by a factor of 10, others are not. There are a lot of entries. Please can you help with the mapping.

Someone else used to have the same problem and at the end it was a setting or so in the excel software on the person’s laptop

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