Proprietors Drawing Account


The basics of it is, the virtual bank account is there more for convenience - to see what the business ‘owes’ the sole trader etc. I put owes in inverted commas as there is no legal separation between you and the business itself.

In essence, what you should be doing is tagging any payments you make personally for the business (e.g. paying off your credit/debit card for a business purchase) from this account so it shows the business owes you the money. From your post, I gather you are doing this correctly.

When it comes to taking a ‘salary’ (again, in inverted commas as you can only take drawings), you would tag the payment from the business current account to the drawings account eventually cancelling the balance out, or watching it steady increase.

You should, on a regular basis (say, at the end of your accounting period), journal the balance from there to a different nominal code. There’s more on this here.

It’s worth noting however that the virtual bank account would be treated as an asset or liability (depending on it’s balance), so it won’t affect your profit and loss.

I hope that helps clear it up, but please feel free to come back with further questions and we’ll try our best to offer generic guidance.