Quickfile Vs Wave

Thanks Steve.

Why are these features excluded from Affinity?

Hello @spq123

The features such as the ones mentioned are only available with a Power User Subscription to retain its value.

Thanks for the explanations. While there are cost savings with Affinity as there are some features missing and it doesn’t include the bank feed I don’t think it is that helpful. I think Wave has become US centric as pointed out but someone has recommended GnuCash which is completely free forever. Think will transfer to this.

GnuCash is indeed Free Software, but it is a very different proposition from services like QuickFile or Wave.

GnuCash is standalone “download and run on a single computer” software rather than a web-based service, so the records are only accessible on the specific machine where the software is installed, you can’t have multiple people making entries at the same time, there’s no “invoicing on the move” with a mobile app, etc. And I don’t believe it will link to HMRC to do MTD returns, or to Open Banking to do bank feeds. You’re really comparing apples and oranges.

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Just to clarify that the Power User Subscription and the Bank Feed Subscription are separate. One doesn’t include the other.

While it is an additional cost with Affinity, it’s the same with a Power User Subscription too (but Affinity works out cheaper than standalone accounts).

To weigh it up, you would have to think about whether you or your clients would use the additional features that come with a Power User Subscription.

Naturally, we’d be sorry to see you go, but I would certainly take into account Ian’s points relating to access etc. before making a decision.

We still strongly believe that QuickFile is one of the more affordable options available.

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