Hello @Michel
Some banks only permit you to be logged in from one place at a time, so if you’re active (or recently active) in the app or on their online banking, it may prevent you from logging in as you’re “already active”. That said, the usual behaviour I’ve seen elsewhere is it would log out any existing sessions for the feed to run - this certainly goes against that, but this would be down to the individual bank.
Regarding the credit card query - if it’s available on your online banking login in the same manner as your current account (e.g. it appears on the same overview page and then in the same format for transactions), it would normally be available. That said, this is down to Yodlee and how they support it rather than the way we update your account.
The full list of supported banks can be found here. I’m not familiar with the RBS set up, but if you could provide me with a few more details in terms of accessing it, I can certainly raise this with Yodlee and see if they can advise further.