Recent Events log report

Hi, We are trying to track down a change made in old records during the time period of 5th Jan 2021 to 25th March 2021. Is there anyway to download a report of all the data entries made in that time period? i.e. the time stamp made on amendments/creations/deletions to any general purchases?

The context is that today we ran a P&L for the tax year 2019-2020 and it is different to the same report we ran on the 5th January. We can see the P&L line that is different but don’t know how to track down what has changed, and we need to know.

At the bottom of the Home Screen (My Dashboard), you will see Recent Events. Click on Show More a couple of times and you will see the option “Need to filter by date or event type?”. This will allow you to see everything that has happened between the 2 dates. This will no doubt be a pretty long list though. If you are lucky, you might notice the amount match your discrepancy.

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thanks @dombrown found that and it is proving useful.
We also investigated the balance sheet to see where changes were made. We’ve resolved the issue and have learnt to lock the numbers!
thanks again. S.

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