Search box decreased functionality

Just to add a little context here. Since mid 2023 we have been transitioning our search from very basic SQL searches to a dedicated full text search engine. The reason we have done this is because the old SQL based search approach does not scale and it was harming performance in a very noticeable way. We had to preemptively tackle this before it became a much bigger issue.

In regards to the new search logic, it is now driven primarily by reference to words, rather than simply matching to partial strings. As noted the quick search box only starts returning results once you’ve entered a whole word. You can still get partial results back by putting an asterisk * character at the end, e.g.


Admittedly this wasn’t effectively communicated and we should have added helpers in all the relevant places before the changes went live. We are working on this now as a priority.

One advantage of the switch to the new full text search engine is that we can now perform deeper searches returning text from invoice / purchase descriptions, rather than just the invoice/item name as it was previously. You can also use AND, OR and NOT operators e.g.

“Invoice NOT August” >> Returns results with “Invoice” in the description but not the word “August”.

Again we are working to document this along with the other features at the moment and I apologise that this hasn’t been available sooner.

Finally we are also planning to extend the search and combine with the use of OCR so that you will be able to search text within your scanned receipts and document manager items. We’ll provide further updates on this due course.

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