See the GBP and non-GBP amounts

When entering a purchase in a different currency and manually overriding the exchange rate, it seems I can’t easily see the amount in GBP anywhere (except for the exchange rate) - tried the payments view and also export to csv.
Is there a way to easily see both the non-GBP and the GBP amount?
That’s because I notice when I click the Paid checkbox in a new purchase, that overwrites the GBP amount with a calculated GBP amount - even though an amount was already entered. So now, I would like to double check all my purchases, but I can’t see the 2 amounts side by side.
Any ideas?

It is possible but it involves going into the ledgers. We have thought about this problem recently and intend to add a link on the purchase invoice preview screen to “Show Postings”. This will reveal the nominal postings made for a given invoice which will reveal GBP and foreign currency equivalents.

The other thing we’re planning to do is when logging a payment, forcing the exchange rate and GBP amount to match the original purchase exchange rate. All these changes are being worked on at the moment and should be ready in a few weeks time.

I see this is an old thread, but it may be useful to note that we now have a simple tool for revealing any invoice ledger entries in GBP and the corresponding foreign currency entries, where applicable.

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