SMTP settings correct, but no evidence of email being sent or received

I have recently set up invoices to send via my SMTP email settings, which should all be set up correctly. I ‘sent’ an invoice by email yesterday, and had set myself to be cc’d in on the email. However I have not received a cc copy, and there is no evidence of a sent email in my SMTP Sent Items folder. Going into the Client Recent Events, the email shows as having been sent, but I am dubious as I would have expected to see the items just referred to as evidence. Is there any way I can check or test to see whats happening?

Have a look here:

Hope this helps

Thanks rhc. I had spotted that feature, but I’m sure I shouldn’t really have to pay to upgrade just to get a basic feature is working properly?

You could also setup yourself as a client/customer and send a dummy invoice to yourself as a client. This way you can see that the email arrives or not

Further to this I have been testing today. It seems that the ‘CC’ copy is not being sent for Recurring Invoices even when this option is selected on the template. The CC copy was sent ok on a manually created one off invoice. Is anyone else having this issue?

Hi @TimF

We can certainly take a look at what’s going on with the CC copies for you.

Let me send you a private message and we’ll investigate this. Please look out for a green notification in the top right corner shortly.

Something that assists with CC ticked automatically…

Thanks I’ll take a look!

I think I’ve worked out what happened before, I’d expected it to auto cc me in when I manually approved an invoice, as I had set myself up to be cc’d in the template. But to get that to happen I have to open the invoice preview and send that way and select cc, rather than just ‘send’ from the sales list.

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