Spliiting receipts and bank feeds

Good afternoon, I have come across a issue for me and wonder if there is any easier way to do it?
I purchased paint on one trip. Some of this paint was for one business and the other was for general repairs on the other.
So I thought I could split this with a button somewhere. In the past I used Wave and it was click split. change the input, description and amounts. as long as they totalled the original amount all fine.
I can’t seem to find anything like this and Ive looked most places. Am I missing something. The Get around I’ve created is taken two copies of original receipt and then entered the splits and have notes to say what has happened. Im waiting for the bank feed to pop in and that will no doubt cause me more issues when I tag it. Im hoping I can tag two receipts with the one amount otherwise I will delete the feed and pay manually.
Any thoughts on how I can make this easier?
New to this program but enjoying what it can do and still learning.

When you say for 2 businesses, how are you accounting for these businesses, e.g. are they under 2 different Quicfile accounts, or is one in Quickfile and the other not?

If one business bought the paint then the purchase is tagged to that business. If the other business used half the paint then create an invoice from one business to the other for half the cost.

Same business name.
I run property maintenance but also have places I rent out.
It was mainly for where to put it at the moment I wanted to put some under general purchase and the bit for the property side as repairs.
At the moment I have just duplicated the receipt and attached to two different purchases.
The issue was that I have two bank accounts. One for the rent and another for the maintenance company. To keep separate. But as I probably have just answered my own question now. The items were all purchased from the company account.
I think to save confusion I will just keep as I have. As I think I’m making more complicated than it should be.

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That happens a lot!

Have you looked at project tagging?

Yes have created tags also so that I can find each expense easily. Ie council tax, repairs etc.
Business I leave to customer projects, materials and tools in case I need to find a receipt for anything. Pretty handy but probably the correct use

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