Stuck with main bank and PayPal

I went through my PayPal account and it balanced but when I went on my main bank account it was then way out.
Now my main bank is balanced and my PayPal account is way out.
I don’t know what to do :sob: please help me!

Hi @bespokebyhowley

The first thing to do would be to reconcile the account. This will help pick up any erroneous or missing transactions.

If you have a bank statement or online banking, then you’re good to go. Just go to the bank statement view in QuickFile, select More Options >> Reconcile.

Start by doing it on a month-by-month basis, and then when you find the earliest month that doesn’t match, narrow it down further.

Let us know how you get on :slight_smile:

Hi bespokebyhowley,
This sounds like the paypal feed settings for bank transfers may need ticking for:
Ignore transfers to or from bank (prevents duplication) [?]

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