Template invoice, not recurring

I raise invoices to a client at irregular intervals for irregular amounts but always the same items. I’d like to save a template invoice to save ma having to change a line to a comments and add additional lines to complete.

I see how to create a recurring invoice which does what I want but not when I want. Can I create a template to use whenever I want, not on a specific date?

You can use any invoice as a template - when you want to create a new invoice that’s similar to an existing one you can just view the previous invoice and then “more options” → “make a copy”.

That’s fair solution. But now I have to delete and or over write the existing lines rather than start afresh. Chances are I’m going to miss something - like the purchase order number. A quick glance, yes that’s complete. No, it was the old PO number and now the client are moaning!

Another possibility is to just have a partially-completed invoice that you keep permanently in the “draft” state, and use that one as the source of all your “make a copy” operations.

That might work for me. I’ll want to give it an invoice number or date in the future so it says on top of my invoice list though. I’ll mark this as a solution in a week or three if it works!

If you change the number then QuickFile will continue its automatic numbering sequence from that point, so that won’t help. Probably the simplest is to add a link to the template invoice into your left hand menu:

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