Using QuickFile for Vat return


I would like to use QuickFile to upload my Vat return.

I read the help pages first but I’m not sure what the correct details that should be entered.

For example it asks for a branch?

I currently transfer the inputs manually via hmrc but I am much busier now so am hoping I can make the process easier via QuickFile.


Hi @Phoenix

I’ve pulled this from a thread on our old forums:

the branch number is usually zero. HMRC request this but I don’t believe it’s used to validate returns.

According to the HMRC help guides:

Branch ID Number
This is the 3 digit branch code, if you do not have any branches and are requested to enter a Branch ID Number, enter 000.

Hopefully that helps!

p.s. If you want an overall guide to the VAT return process in QuickFile, take a look at this topic too:

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Hi Mathew
I am turning over around £55k and I am using the flat rate.

Quickfile has prepared my VAT return, but has not submitted it this quarter. How do I submit my return that Quickfile has usually submitted


Rob Greaves

Hi @Lifeistooshort,

Are you registered for MTD does the link with HMRC show any errors?

Hi Beth

I have not registered for MTD. I have been able to send my VAT return through Quickbooks. Now it is clearly showing that although my return is complete, it has NOT been sent

What do I need to do?

Hi @Lifeistooshort,

It sounds like you were using the old method to send your VAT returns, this method is no longer supported by HMRC. I believe you should have received correspondence from HMRC to explain this and recommending that you sign up for MTD to continue submitting your returns electronically.

Someone posted similar here: VAT Returns - HMRC letter regarding XML software

I think it’s more than a recommendation if the old system doesn’t work as they have forced everyone off the old working system onto the useless MTD scheme now.

Yes that’s correct.

Users have the option to either sign up for Mtd or manually enter their figures via their tax account.

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