Validation Error when sending first vat return

When I try to submit my return I get this message
Vat return submission to HMRC failed.
By Gateway : Authentication Failure. The supplied user credentials failed validation for the requested service.
except my gateway number and password are correct as I can log into HMRC with them without issue

Hi @nicos2442

Can I just check whether you are registered for Making tax Digital (MTD)? This will help me to identify what went wrong for you.

Hello Sian, yes I am

From the steps you’ve described above it sounds as though something hasn’t been set up properly.

Can I just check that:

  1. You have connected your QuickFile Account to HMRC
  2. You have updated your VAT settings to allow MTD Filing

Your MTD Filing Options are under VAT Settings “Use MTD Features”

This should hopefully fix your problem, but if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

  1. Yes
  2. Yes

I’ve tried submitting with & without

I’ve now tried a different way (bridging?) and I can’t enter any figures. I’m being asked for a vat repair spreadsheet??

sorry that should read report

If you’re registered for MTD then you shouldn’t be entering your gateway credentials directly into QuickFile at all (unless you also need to submit EC sales lists). There’s three stages to getting QuickFile set up for MTD:

First: register for MTD on the HMRC business tax account website, and wait for them to send you the confirmation email saying you’re properly set up. This can take several days to arrive (particularly around the start of the month when everyone who has left it til the last minute is rushing to register before the deadline) so if you only registered recently you may have to wait longer until they’ve set everything up at the HMRC end.

Second: Reports → HMRC, and connect your tax account. You need to connect as an “organisation”, not an “individual”, and this process works by redirecting you to the Government Gateway website where you log in and then that redirects you back to QuickFile - you don’t enter your username and password into QuickFile. If you have multiple HMRC accounts with different gateway IDs (e.g. one for your personal taxes and another for your business) then make sure you’ve linked the correct account, the one that is registered for MTD for this VAT number.

Third: In reports → VAT returns → VAT settings, tick “enable online filing” and “use MTD features”, and select the tax account you linked from the dropdown menu above.

Once all this is in place then when you click on “create new VAT return” it should connect to HMRC and give you a list of open periods to choose from.

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Thanks, but I’ve done all that!!
The username & password seem to be entered automatically
Yes I’ve clicked on create new vat return, yes I can see it connecting to HMRC, yes I have chosen the dates, entered the amounts and chosen to send - doesn’t work

This message appears We’re having a problem preparing your VAT Return

Error: Under the Making Tax Digital rules VAT returns should be supported by accounting records. This VAT return appears to consist only of adjustments and cannot be submitted to HMRC. If you prefer to submit your return from an Excel document then please use the VAT bridging module instead.

So I’ve tried this ‘bridging’ module, but it doesn’t accept my xl spreadsheet

what now?

Hello? Is that it? What now?

Hi @nicos2442

We wouldn’t populate the username and password automatically - this can only be done by you or another user on your account (as we wouldn’t know them). But what @ian_roberts says above is correct - if you’re using MTD, you shouldn’t even be entering these details into QuickFile.

The username and password box only appears if “Use MTD Features” is not enabled (as per @QFSian’s screenshot above).

Please can you check this, and if it is ticked, please can you upload a screenshot of your settings (removing any sensitive information) so we can check that everything else is set up correctly there?

The “automatic” username and password is because someone or you have saved a user I’d and password on the hmrc page, and when your redirected and asked to login that’s the pre populated data.

It’s not a quickfile issue you are using the wrong login credentials because it’s been auto saved. Check your using the correct login for your business tax account and not the details used for your personal tax account and change the login details if needed

When you have done all that you will need to go back to quickfile and detach the linked account and re attach it again entering the details for your organisation. You can’t have two connected or it will throw an error.

I’ve tried both!
using mtd features - yes no login appears, but still can’t submit because I’m getting this message

We’re having a problem preparing your VAT Return

Error: Under the Making Tax Digital rules VAT returns should be supported by accounting records. This VAT return appears to consist only of adjustments and cannot be submitted to HMRC. If you prefer to submit your return from an Excel document then please use the VAT bridging module instead.
As mentioned earlier I’ve tried this ‘bridging’ module, but it doesn’t accept my xl spreadsheet

without mtd features - not accepted by gateway

I will clear all and start again

…and this is what I get when trying to download either an XL or CVS spreadsheet

The value in the mapped position for box 1 cannot be parsed.
The value in the mapped position for box 2 cannot be parsed.
The value in the mapped position for box 3 cannot be parsed.
The box 4 value in the mapped position for box 4 cannot be parsed.
The box 5 position (7A) could not be located.
The box 6 position (8A) could not be located.
The box 7 position (9A) could not be located.
The box 8 position (10A) could not be located.
The box 9 position (11A) could not be located.

Hi @nicos2442

Are you using QuickFile for your accounting, or looking to just submit your VAT return through QuickFile while keeping your figures elsewhere?

If it’s the first one - you don’t need to use bridging.

If it’s the latter - it’s likely to be something with your mapping of the columns.

yes I figured that out

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