VAT Error :'(

Hey all,

So, randomly talking about VAT on EC purchases with a friend and whilst explaining how it should work, realised that that’s not how it’s been on my returns…

Turns out that I’d forgotten to tick the EC box on the supplier so things hadn’t been going to the right boxes on the VAT return. However, for all but two invoices the VAT amount on the invoice was altered to nil, so there’s no actual over-claim.

BUT the two invoices that weren’t altered mean that on VAT returns I’ve over reclaimed VAT by a grand total of £2.38. :cry:

Any advice on how to correct and what I should tell HMRC?


£2.38 is not a significant amount to worry about, just manually adjust it into the next VAT return.

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Thanks @Glenn

Would I just amend Box 5 with the net result or put adjustments in Boxes 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 & 9 to deal with the discrepancies throughout?