VAT Return form not allowing any input of figures

I have been using Quickfile for some time now. When I recently when to enter a VAT return, I was presented with the fact that my HMRC authorisation had expired, so I renewed it. I then ended up with two authorisations so I deleted one. Now the VAT Return forum is not editable, only the adjustment fields are editable, so I cannot enter any numbers onto the form. Please advise.

This should always have been the case - you can’t just enter numbers into the VAT return form in QuickFile. Under MTD the numbers in the return have to be derived from your QuickFile accounting records (sales, purchases and payments) or imported from other digital records via the bridging module, you’re not allowed to fill in the form purely manually.

Hi @Hegelian_1

Further to as @ian_roberts has explained. Under the Making Tax Digital (MTD) scheme, you need to provide HMRC with proof of where your VAT figures are coming from.

When using QuickFile, this is done through your sale, purchases and payments which are on the system.

If you are using another system for your accounting, but would still like to use QuickFile for your VAT Returns, than you can use our VAT Bridging Module, for more information about this, please check out the following link: VAT Bridging

These changes have been enforced by HMRC and you will need to adhere to them if you are registered for MTD VAT filing.

I hope this helps, but if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

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