VAT return - goods vs. services

Just created my first VAT return. QF is really a big help …
I was about to enter the figures into the HMRC form and was wondering if QF differentiates between goods and services as the HMRC form requires in box 8 and 9 ?

Currently the EC Reverse Charge is only covered for goods not services. There’s a relevant discussion here that may help:

To me it looks like we are getting two categories of services (standard vs. digital) as of 2015.
The VAT MOSS covers digital services. All other services are still under standard Reverse-Charge regulations.

QF handles acquisition and supplies of goods identical to services by applying Reverse-Charge procedures. Regarding the VAT return I think only box 8 and box 9 need to be adjusted by deduction of services.

Would be great if this could be incorporated into the upcoming update. Meanwhile I need to record supplies and acquisitions of services in way that I can manually adjust these two boxes.