My QF account is 6131468940. The accountant came back to me that the accounts 2100 Creditors Trade Control shows a wrong balance for period 31.08.2022-30.08.2023. The balance is £37.59, however it should be only £13 owed to creditors. Can you please adjust your reports to show this balance.
You must have prepayments recorded to suppliers causing balances differences
Which report are you referring to here? The fact that you’re talking about a period rather than a single date suggests you may be looking at the chart of accounts, not the balance sheet or trial balance. The CoA does not show balances, it shows the total aggregate value of all transactions on each nominal that happened within the specified period, but does not take account of any opening balance on the nominal at the start of the period. If you look at the trial balance report instead of the CoA then that includes columns for the opening and closing balances, which may agree better with the numbers you’re seeing.
Run the Debtor/Creditor report in Reports > Show All Reports > Other Tab
It will show you the breakdown (which you can export) of the £37.59 including the Account balance, invoice balance, prepayments (details on export) and journals to the account as of 30/08/23.
You can get a list of Journals by
- Going into the code in the chart of accounts.
- Enter an open date range as it is a balance sheet code and is cumulative (I would suggest 01/01/2015 - 30/08/23)
- Click Search and set the category to “Journal”
- Click Submit Search
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