Accidentally duplicating shop sales in payPal

Hello. All payments into us through our online shop go into our PayPal account. I’ve maybe been lazy, but instead of creating a sales invoice manually for each one, I’ve made an aggregated invoice once a week totting up the week’s sales and marking it up as paid into PayPal. (We also sell bespoke items that don’t go through our shop and I manually create invoices for these.)

I’ve just realised today that this is effectively duplicating each sale. It’s okay in that I’ve only done it for a few weeks and we don’t sell vast numbers of products so it’s not too serious to re-do and hasn’t affected any VAT reporting. Because of this, I realise now that each sale shows up as a payment incoming both individually and then as part of the weekly tot-up. I will right this today so that the accounts agree.

I’m sure I’m going about all this in a very clunky way as I’m new to accounts. I don’t mind creating manual invoices for each sale if I have to - it’s a bit tedious but not too serious. But is there a better way of doing this? There must be. How do other companies do this?

Thank you :slight_smile:

I am trying to work out what you are doing.

I am guessing that you are flagging invoices as “paid” when you create them which creates the PP transaction in QF and are then uploading your paypal account as well which duplicates everything.

Assuming that I have interpreted your posts correctly your options are:

  1. Don’t upload your PP account, reconcile it off line instead.
  2. Don’t manually flag invoices as paid, tag the uploaded amounts against them.

Option 2 means that you cannot use the Cash Register Tool as this automatically sets the invoices to “paid”.

Most of our sales are wholesale or by subscription but we have a steady trickle of one-off sales by PP. For these I enter each sale as a new line in the Cash Register Tool. At the end of the month I check that the PP balance plus charges deducted equals the PP bank account in QF and then create a purchase invoice for the month’s charges.

Thank you. You’ve correctly worked out what I’m doing! Option 2 looks good, but I haven’t investigated the Cash Register Tool. If that looks like it might be useful I’ll see what makes sense. Thanks again.