Account Details - Customise Report and Notes missing

Hi Glenn,

I need to create a customised Account Detail report from the P&L report. If I hit the ‘account activity’ icon at the end of the General Sales (4000) line, the account details are displayed.

In the description column, the text is always the same - “Sales Invoice: Items for invoice #XXX”. I need to replace this with “#XXX: full invoice description”. How can I achieve this?

Also, very few of the notes fields (Yellow Balloon) have the entries copied across from the invoice and the few that do, do not display the complete description. Can these fields be updated?



I have just found your reply to “Enhanced Ledger Reporting” regarding the retrospective notes routine. Please can you run this on my account but allow all of the invoice description to be transferred, not just the limited set of characters.



We don’t include the full description of the invoice in the ledger notes section as potentially these descriptions can comprise of multiple lines and huge bodies of text. It doesn’t makes sense to port all this information into a ledger report for performance and useability reasons, so we only include the short description here. To get at the underlying invoice you’ll need to click through to the invoice preview.

I will look at running the update tool to populate the historic date, can’t remember what the cut off date was but I shall look into this.

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