My account has submitted my accounts to HMRC and companies house unfortunately he’s submitted a detailed balance sheet to companies house rather than an abridged one and I am not happy about this. Can this be changed? I have asked him but so far not had a reply
Hi Paulsbooks,
If I get it right, your accountant sent your stuff to HMRC and Companie House, then you have to speak to him. Or could you clarify why you post this on the forum? Is your accountant using Quickfile?
Even if you sent companies house an amended balance sheet. The original stays on public record. So I don’t see any way to avoid it.
Yes we both use quickfile which is great. I thought it was ok to post general accounting questions as well as quickfile specific ones here? It’s just I was hoping there was something I could do today at the weekend to get it corrected.
You would have to post a paper copy along with the words Amending in particular places otherwise it will get rejected. But as I already said the original stays on public record so its pointless.