I would like to place a unique barcode onto each of our invoices. It’s a fairly specific need for our environment but would help up out a lot.
I am happy to generate the barcode using my own server and implement using CSS background-image but cannot find a way to pass the unique invoice number to my server.
Is there a way to pass the invoice ID into the CSS or perhaps I need to be using a jQuery block of code to implement this?
It would be easy if your PDF generator passed a UrlReferrer or something containing the InvoiceID in the request headers when it parses the CSS to grab the image from my server.
We have a Power User Subscription so Custom Scripts should be an option. I thought I looked at that though and couldn’t figure out what the script would need to do to apply a unique image to an invoice.
Alternatively, is there a way to reference the InvoiceNumber in the Invoice Footer Text, i.e.:
< img src=“myServer/GetBarcode/{InvoiceNumber}” >
Looking at this, there is a value passed through in the javascript in a variable invoiceID. However, inserting this on a PDF would become a little bit more tricky.
I’m not entirely sure how possible this would be, but I’ll convert this thread to a feature request, and if there’s enough interest, we’ll revisit this.
Would this work for you? This script checks if the URL is already present in the notes, and if not inserts an image linking to the URL.
I’ve used a generic QR generator, but you can use your own URL here.
You would also need to save the invoice, and modify it again, but you can play around with the code and see how that goes. Hopefully that’ll give you a good starting point
@IntrepidBrewing may I ask where on the invoice you’d like to insert the QR code? I imagine in the payment terms box?
What we can do is allow you to use some tokens on the image link so you don’t need to use Javascript. This will be simple to implement and it will work on the web and PDF view.
With the new token your link would look like this:
Hi Glenn, sorry for the slow response. Yes, if we can use tokens then that would be a much better solution. Currently we need to create the invoice, save it, then modify it to pick up the invoice ID. I think your way wouldn’t require that re-editing step. Would it be a pain to implement the token support?
I would actually rather the image be at the top / bottom of the invoice rather than bang in the middle but I can live with that. Fixed positioning the image using CSS doesn’t appear to carry over into the PDF but that is a minor inconvenience.
After payment terms we have “Appended text” defined in Sales >> Invoice Customisation. We could potentially also achieve the same here, but then the barcode would then automatically appear on every invoice and estimate.
That’s much better than the JavaScript method, cheers Glenn.
It would be better for us if we could use this in the Appended Text box as we already have some text that appears on all invoices. Unfortunately I cannot get this to work with the new Token method. Works perfectly in the default payment terms box though.
As a bit of an explanation, we will be using the barcode to allocate returnable stock to a given invoice, to assist us with tracking our casks of beer. That way we should know who has casks that we need to collect. It is a rather cumbersome thing to do without any form of automation and this seemed like a good solution.
I’ve added the code to the footer region and there has been a positive outcome a barcode is generated. Unfortunately the barcode takes a significant amount of space (approx .25 of A4 page). Is there a way to reduce its size similar to the example further up this feature?
The CSS doesn’t appear to apply to the PDF generation, well, it didn’t for me. Works on the screen though. Finding a suitably sized barcode generator is probably the way to go.