Add notes when creating an invoice or estimate

Hi, is there a way whereby we can leave internal notes in a sales estimate, that is, notes for internal use only and not viewable on the customer estimate?

Hi @richiekk

At the bottom of each invoice and estimate, there’s a “Notes” section. You can find it below the event log, and it looks like this:

These notes should only be visible to team members on the account.

If you want to double check, add a quick note and impersonate the client, and you’ll see exactly what they’ll see.

Hope that helps


Trouble is, I cannot see this internal notes field in the screen where I draft and save a new estimate.

In the flow of work here, the sales person (usually me) will raise the estimate and then someone else processes it from there.

The point at which a message is most likely to be raised (with us at least) is when the estimate is raised so the message flows from sales through to accounts.

Now you have reminded me that I can leave notes in the saved version I can go ahead and do that.

However it would be better if I could enter the internal notes when the estimate is being created.

Sorry if I missed something obvious!


Of course, I understand.

I believe the internal notes come after saving the estimate for technical reasons (you can’t save notes to an invoice that doesn’t exist). It’s the same set up for file attachments.

We can change this thread to a feature request if you wish, and we could certainly take a look into this further if there’s enough interest from the community.

Sorry for late reply.

Yes, a feature request please.

I admit this is not a big deal but I guess the benefits of small improvements in productivity multiply over time.



Thanks, I’ve update the title of the post and moved it to the “Features” section. We’ll certainly keep an eye on this.

Hi, just checking in at the 1 year anniversary of this feature request.

Recap: having internal notes available on an (yet) unsaved estimate.

Will you be able to schedule this feature?

Hi @richiekk

There are no updates here I’m afraid. If there are, we’ll be sure to let you know :slight_smile: