Hello; I am a new user of quickfile and find it excellent bar one thing that would make my life so much easier. I run a service business; when the client has paid me I need to issue certificates, but sometimes I forget - is there an option in QF where it reminds me to issue the certificate after a payment has been received?
I’m not sure if any such reminder has a broader application for all users? Are you looking for a reminder actually at the point of lodging payment or after a set period? Would this reminder apply to all clients and invoices or just selected cases?
As an installer/maintainer of many other things that require certificating, I have seen this done in many different ways so a standard feature in QF could be a bit difficult to implement.
I have seen it done as certs supplied with invoice, certs supplied after payment is received, certs supplied after a cooling off period, certs supplied x days after installation/inspection and combinations of all of the above. I’m sure there are more.
General gist is if this was added as a feature it would need to be pretty flexible.
I agree; for every client that pays I have to issue a certificate - at the moment I’ll need to use two different systems - it would be ideal if only one was needed.
The scope seems to have changed here. Initially you wanted a reminder, now you want QF to issue certificates as well? Doubt that will happen, you will always need to have 2 systems running.
Nope the scope hasn’t changed; I just answered the question. I only want a reminder - I don’t need the system to do the job. I have another system I use now for the reminders but in order for it to remind me it has to track the payments
I’m not sure we’d develop anything along these lines right now as we try to avoid “industry specific processes”. Simply because there are so many complex integrations that different industries use, it’s impossible to support them all and would end up negatively impacting on useability.
That said I think the solution here is to implement some kind of general triggering system so that when x event happens it triggers a specific action. This could be calling a given URL that you supply… at least then you’re half way their to joining up your different systems.