Feature requested
What feature would you like to see in QuickFile?
The ability to select different vat options for each line item.
Typical use case
How would this feature be used?
i.e. on courier freight most items are Zero Rated but insurance is VAT Exempt. Where the invoice has mixed rated vat items this would allow entering an invoice on a single purchase entry correctly. Currently to complete the invoice on one purchase entry you either tag it all as exempt or zero rated or Outside the Scope or you have to enter on 2 purchases.
How I would expect it to work
To understand how this may work for users, provide some details of how you think it would work. This is completely optional, but it helps our team understand what you are looking for.
My suggestion is to make the line item drop down for vat rate have more options such as “0% Exempt” or 0% Zero Rated" or 0% Out of Scope".