Advanced search filter for currency

Is it possible to have the Currency drop down box in the Advanced Search filter to populate from either (1) actual currencies used in the user quickfile account, or from (2) the actual currencies in that area of search?

Case in point: purchase order search, where I want to look for TND POs and the Currency box is only populated by USD, EUR and GBP. I have TND on my user account, and in my POs (see attached).

Screenshot removed

Hi @mlawson

This should actually be populated from the enabled currencies on your account, but clearly this isn’t the case.

I’ve asked one our development team to take a look at this. I’ve also moved your thread to the “Bug” category, and will update you in due course.

I’ve also removed your screenshot as it contains data from your account.

Many thanks. Thought it might be a bug, but didn’t want to suggest it without good reason - could just have been a suggested feature.

@mlawson - Apologies for the delay in updating you here, but this has been fixed.

The list of currencies will now show those that have been enabled on your account.

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