Advanced search not working

My advanced search feature seems to have a glitch. I’m trying to find an invoice from a few years ago but the advanced search feature keeps coming back empty. Searches for descriptions, date ranges and client names searches all throw up ‘no results found’. If a result does come up from a description search it gives the same 50 results regardless of what I search for and none of them are related to the search I’m running.

Has anyone else experienced this? Not sure if this is a maintenance issue that will resolve itself?


Hi @david_g

Can I just check - have you tried searching on just the invoice list, o’r have you tried this on the archive section too?

Are you able to find the invoice manually without searching?

I’ve tried searching on all active invoices. archived and deleted as well. Our system shows all invoices if we just go through page after page but we cant search for a particular invoice. The problem I have is my customer is asking for an invoice from 2016. He only knows he was in somewhere between Jan-Jun 2016 though but the advanced search won’t produce anything if I search for a specific field (i.e. client name/description/date/price).

Let me send you a private message and get a few more details, and I’ll take a look for you :slight_smile:

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