Affinity usage fees


We have noticed that we get charged for daily usage fees on our affinity platform at the weekend when our offices are closed. Any reason why?

Thank you.

Hi there,

The way the billing works on Affinity is not related to when you use the software. With Affinity we apply a daily charge dependent on the number of XS, S, M, L and XL accounts you are managing.

XS = 4.11p /day
S = 5.48p /day
M = 6.85p /day
L = 8.21p /day
XL = 9.59p /day

If you have for example 2 XS accounts and 1 L account that would work out at 16.43p per day or £4.93 per month.

You can find more information on how the billing works here:

We also have a pricing calculator here:

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