Aged debtors/creditors journalled figure

Hi. I am processing my year end accounts and have noticed in the ages debtor/creditor report that there is the control account amount, prepayments and then a journal amount, can anyone advise how I figure out what the journal amount relates to?

Thank you.


Hi @Saz1985

You can view the nominal ledger activity by going to Reports >> Chart of Accounts >> Clicking on the nominal in question.

Typically a journalled entry would either come from tagging a bank transaction directly to that nominal code, or from an actual journal itself. If you can identify the lines in the ledger activity, you should be able to trace it back from there.

I have been through the debtors control account in the chart of accounts to see if anything stands out but all lines are either sales invoice or payment received so no luck there, I think I will now try going through the bank tagging to see if anything has been been linked directly to the nominal, thank you.


Hi @Saz1985

If you’re still stuck, let us know and we can take a look for you.

Hi, thank you it would be great if you could take a look? I have a feeling it has something to do with one of my EURO clients but due to the exchange rate I’m not 100%.



You can export report top right from aged debtors creditors screen to see list of items making balances and prepayments

Hi, yes I have exported the Report but it unfortunately doesn’t highlight what the journalled items are.

Thank you.

Hi @Saz1985

I will send you a private message now.

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