Allowable dates forentering transactions

Once a year end has been completed and rolled over to the new year, is there a way of stopping a user inputing a transaction with a date in the old year.

Hello @accts1234

You can enter a lock date.

Account Settings > All Settings > Account Lock Date

Postings before this date would then be locked

Thank you very much for your prompt response
Best wishes

The lock date is set automatically when you complete the “year end process” (which creates a journal that zeros all the P&L codes and moves the balance over to “retained profit”), but you can set it manually if you want to stop users entering prior year transactions before you’ve actually closed the year off completely.

You’d then have to set the lock date back to the previous year end when you’re ready to close off the year, in order to make it possible to create the year end journal, but the act of running the year end will move the lock date back up again.