Amazon Gift Card

Hi! I’m a little stuck on how to process one purchase in my VAT return and would appreciate any guidance.

I bought some printer ink and here are the VAT invoice details:


However, Amazon Business also gifted me an odd amount (don’t ask) for really messing up some previous orders, so that gift card amount was automatically taken from the total:


Given that my final payment was £40.92, the VAT has been auto calculated @ £6.82 but how do I reconcile that with the actual VAT invoice?

Thank you! :slight_smile:

When you’re processing purchases whatever VAT was calculated by the supplier should always take precedence over anything calculated by QuickFile. The invoice says you were charged VAT of £11.84, so that’s the amount you are entitled to reclaim.

You could simply add an extra line to the purchase invoice for -30.13 at 0% VAT, which would show in your books as printer ink at £29.08 and VAT of £11.84.

Alternatively, and perhaps more accurately, you could split it into two:

  • Create a new nominal code from your chart of accounts in the “sales” range for suppliers goodwill payments and tick the option to also allow this code to be used on purchases.
  • Create an (unpaid) purchase for the full £59.21 + VAT £11.84 tagged to stationery (or wherever you normally put printer ink).
  • More options → credit note, and make the credit note be -£30.13 @ 0% VAT, assigned to the new suppliers goodwill code

This will leave an outstanding balance on the purchase of £40.92, for which you can record payment in the usual way. Your books will show £59.21 expense for the printer ink and £30.13 income for the goodwill payment. And the VAT return will include a total (for the purchase minus credit) of £29 in box 7 and £11.84 in box 4.

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Thank you so much, Ian! That’s a really helpful post, and although the second (more accurate) suggestion is probably a bit beyond me at this point, I’m going to give it a shot as it would be good to learn.

For the record, I usually tag printer ink as an IT consumable! :slight_smile:

Thank you once again!

Hi Ian,

Sorry to bother you again! I followed your advice and now have the following (which I think looks correct):


The next bit is where I’m a little uncertain and would sincerely appreciate confirmation that I’m doing it correctly. In my Quickfile bank account, I still have the original purchase waiting to be tagged for the amount of £40.92 (uploaded from my bank statement) - that now obviously matches the amount of the unpaid invoice you helped me to create. So do I just tag that original entry in the following way:


Thank you once again!

Yes, you’ve got it in one. Despite the name, the option to “pay down multiple invoices” is the one to use for any situation where you want to assign a payment that doesn’t exactly match one single invoice total. This could be one payment split across several invoices, a part-payment against a larger invoice, an overpayment where you want to use some of the payment to pay an invoice and hold the rest on account for future use, etc. etc.

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Thanks, Ian! Absolute star - your time spent helping me is very much appreciated.

Hope you have a great day.

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