API - check if recurring invoice exists


Via API, is there a way to check if client has an existing recurring invoice?

If not, is there a way via API to check date of last invoice charged?


You can search recurring profiles by client ID

  "Body": {
      "SearchParameters": {
        "ReturnCount": "10",
        "Offset": "0",
        "OrderResultsBy": "InvoiceNumber",
        "OrderDirection": "ASC",
        "InvoiceType": "RECURRING",
        "ClientDetails": {
          "ClientID": "18"   // Put the client ID here

I’m referring to…

I have 50 clients and I need to know which one(s) have active recurring invoices.

Hi @tom_44

Doing a search the way @QFSteve mentioned would work for this if you want to check each client individually.

The other option is to do it from the other side - get a list of all the recurring profiles and check the client it’s set up for against your own records.

ok thanks. is this in the api documentation? QFsteve method.

Hi @tom_44

Yes, both methods are there -

ok thanks…ssfsdsdfsdf…

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